Breast Cancer Awareness on the Porch

by Val

Dear mystery person:

I watched you on camera but the mask did a good job of hiding your identity. I couldn’t see what you were doing. A part of me wished I would have investigated further but another part of me kind of likes that it’s a random moment of kindness and support that I can’t explain.

If I may, let me tell you about my morning. Exercise is important in this journey. Not just because of the 30 pounds they say I should lose but because if I don’t do it consistently I get very achy and stiff. Sometimes I walk. Sometimes I ride the exercise bike. This morning I danced along to a DVD.

When the DVD hit the cool down period the instructor said lie down flat. Lift a limb, lift another, now another, and finally the last one.

I discovered I cannot lift both of my legs at the same time anymore from this position. Before July 30th I could have. But for now, that’s gone and I sobbed hard over that. It’s not something I did a lot…or ok ever but it’s just another little way cancer sucks. And it was a kick in the gut (literally) reminding me that I had cancer to begin with. 

I got up from that crying position. I sat in the stillness for awhile. I started my day of work. I got notice of your visit and I smiled. I also had tears again but they were happy ones. I needed this support today and while I am not 100% sure who you are, thank you for sending me some love. It’s much appreciated!

✌️❤️🤣 to you 



Schedule your mammogram and do your self check. Don’t want you losing your ability to lift both legs at the same time too!

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