
by Val

I would get so aggravated at my Grandma Aleta because she would not rest after medical procedures or really ever. Now I get it.

In the days leading up to surgery I was in full blown go, go, go mode. I was trying to get the house ready for me and get my work wrapped up so that I was dumping as little as possible on someone else. I kept thinking that I would have plenty of time to rest after surgery. I even fantasized about what it would be like to be free of any obligations for a while.

Now here we are. Day 4 after surgery.
Day 1: I was still working out some grogginess.
Day 2: Relaxed, watched Netflix and showered.
Day 3: No where near as bad I expected. Showered on my own, did some mall walking and also emptied my drains mostly on my own. I really, truly looked at my chest and started the process of accepting it as just a part of my story.

Day 4: I’m over this. I’m bored. And when I say bored I mean the kind of bored that you get as a kid. You know the boredom that nothing is going to remedy. “You could do this.” “No!” “You could do that.” “No!”

I’m brat bored!

I’ll survive the boredom but I do come from a long line of stubborn (I prefer independent) women who don’t do rest well. Heck I have more drive to be productive when I am supposed to be resting than when I’m at full health. I know that rest and relaxation is my challenge to achieve now. I am grateful that I’m doing well enough to be bored this early.

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