Think Pink Every Month

by Val

The month of everything pink is almost ending. Now we can move on to “No Shave November” right?


I didn’t find my lump in October. We don’t pay attention to the 🍋 🍋 s only in October! We have to keep up on the self exams!

Confession: A self exam didn’t find this rascal. A good old washing the stank off is how I felt this. This bad boy could be felt through a wash rag and made me jump back like I saw a ghost or saw anybody because I am a little jumpy and I was in the shower. Maybe if I had done a few more exams it wouldn’t have been quiet so alarming. Truth be told I didn’t really understand what I was feeling around for.

In previous self exams it all kind of felt bumpy and strange to me. I had asked medical professionals before but the explanation still wasn’t doing it for me. While waiting on the mammogram in September I saw this poster and a light bulb went off! This I understand! Man some of these I definitely would have known, “hey that’s not right” but others are more subtle.

Let me tell you, a lot of people feel your lemons when you get diagnosed with breast cancer. Something else I have picked up along the way is that when they are doing their check they all use a finger motion that makes me want to sing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” while they move around my chest. You might want to incorporate itsy bitsy spider fingers too while doing your exam since it seems to be the way of the pros. 🕷

Disclaimer: I went to school to be a teacher not a doctor. Nothing in this post should be considered professional medical advice.

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